Monday, January 14, 2013

This is not a Facebook post

So I thought I'd do something different today and I left this "compose blog post" window open all day and wrote down random thoughts as they occurred. And I just reread them now and they look to me like a series of Facebook posts. Do I really think in Facebookese now? This cannot possibly be good.

I feel that I have become addicted to the internet in general and Facebook in particular. I'd like to temporarily shut down my Facebook account, but this is complicated by the fact one of my few paying jobs these days is making a daily post on the Funny Times Facebook page. I don't think I can continue as an admin there if I don't have an active primary account. And I'm an admin on five other Facebook groups, four of which I created and two of which have had an influx of new members and a flurry of activity lately. So I can't very well abandon all of them now, can I?

Is internet addiction a real thing? I'm suppressing the urge to Google it because, come on. What am I going to do, join an online forum for internet addicts? If anyone has any wisdom in this regard, lay it on me. Meanwhile, here are my random trinkets of thought, for what it's worth...


Weird mind quirk: Not long after moving into my current house 12 years ago, someone who was driving past stopped and asked me where an obscure little street in my neighborhood was. I didn't know. I found out a couple months later and I've been wanting him to stop back and ask again ever since.


I fear the possum lying in the middle of the road isn't playing.


Eating fresh raspberries in winter feels incredibly extravagant and decadent to me. I try not to do it too often so I can maintain that feeling.


Just a plain roasted chicken on Mulberry Street. This was my thought about my dinner as I watched some fancy meals go by on my wall. Yeah, that would be Facebook I'm referring to.


Word of the day: sapiosexual. Yes, I saw it on Facebook. FML.


Outlandish! I like this word. I'll not mention where I heard it today. I tend to like old fashioned words that have fallen out of favor. My son says he has two favorite words: chicken and dunebuggy.


Damn. These could have been some hella fine Facebook posts and garnered all manner of likes and comments but instead Ive got them languishing away on a blog that I know perfectly well not more than five people will read. Because nobody clicks over on links to blog posts from Facebook and where else does anyone even find out about blog posts?

Yes indeed, I do have myself a problem here. Help?


pengo said...

No, you do not have a problem. Because if you have a problem, then I have a bigger problem than you do and I do not wish to admit that.

I need to train myself to put the laptop down at night, or keep it out of the bedroom, to read more. I love reading. This should not be a problem.

I encourage you not to concern yourself about how many people visit your blog. My blog is not exactly hugely attended, either, and if it is it is only after -- in the case, say, of my running blog -- having written it for going on seven years. But I only did that because I wrote it for me, and not for anyone else.

I like your blog, thanks for posting it on Facebook, so I knew you had an update! Have a great day (and careful on the ice.) said...

My rule about FB is this. Anyone who posts more than me, has a problem. Anyone who posts less, needs to get with the program.

Outlandish, right?

Blayne said...

Pengo- I hate to tell you this, but...oh nevermind. I think you know already. I love reading too but I've been slacking off on it because of you-know-what. I hoping that just admitting to myself that it's a problem will motivate me to change. We shall see.

I'm not really all that concerned about how many people read it. I'm just inordinately fond of teasing and berating people, myself included. But it's gratifying to hear you like it. Thanks! Exactly.

By the way, I KNOW WHO YOU PEOPLE ARE. So don't think you can hide behind those fancypants nom de plumes. Jeepers. The place is lousy with nogoodniks, for crimeny's sake.