So this thing happened the other day where everyone agreed that there would be a New Year starting, and people had assorted feelings and varied perspectives, and held parties to commemorate this event. It all seems rather contrived to me. The sun rose; the sun set. Likewise, the moon. Same old same old. Revolutions and resolutions happen daily. I'm going to start my own New Year in the spring when the weather is nicer. Be it so resolved.
Anyhow, moving right along...
Readin' and Writin' and Suchlike
Uh, not so as you'd notice. Just a few random paragraphs of each. Unless Facebook counts. Does Facebook count? I read and write there daily. I can Facebook like nobody's business. Yeah, I know. It actually doesn't count. Drag. But! I'll be doing some real reading and writing before you know it, I can feel it in my bones. And my liver. And a little inkling in my gall bladder. And this: I've joined a new writers' group and we'll be meeting again in a couple weeks. Prompt this month: Keep it Clean. I like the potential for a variety of interpretations on this one.
Good Eats
Breakfast, as usual these days, was two eggs (pasture raised, purchased from Frances at the Coit Road Farmers Market) along with a pile of vegetables. In this case, a cabbage and carrot salad with EVOO and red wine vinegar. So I've been doing the Paleo* eating thing for about a year now, and it's been very healthy for me. I lost about 40 pounds, stopped getting migraines, stopped getting hypoglycemic, and in general feel healthier and more energetic. And look what happened to my cholesterol:
Compare Pre-Paleo from 2009 to current levels.
Not bad for a diet that's a lot higher in eggs, bacon, nuts, coconut, avocados, and saturated fats (butter, lard, coconut oil) than my previous diet. And yes, I've become annoying evangelistic about this diet. Don't like it? Go read some cupcake blog instead.
This is all old news to those of you who read my Facebook page. But I'm repeating it in the event that someone who is not already a friend of mine should stumble across this blog. Hey, it could happen!
*I like this particular Paleo link because it's illustrated with Lego pictures.
My Adorable Child
I've been keeping a file on my computer of adorable things my child has said since he first learned to talk. Going back and picking the ones closest to today's date for each year:
1/07/08 (age 2)
Today, just before nap, E was down in the basement and yelled up to me, "Found something sticking out of snow!" (In his voice: "Ound umteen it-een out ub no.")
"Really? Come show it to me." He climbs up the stairs, little face beaming with joy, and holds up a half of a styrofoam peanut.
"Ate it up in my tummy," he says, "I happy now!"
2/16/09 (age 3)
E laughed himself awake around 4am and said, "Thing-a-doodle! THING-a-doodle!" And then promptly fell back to sleep.
Then this morning, watching his dad walk down the stairs he called to him:
"Don't fall down the stairs Dad! That's a metal rule. Metal rules are hard. You can't break them."
1/13/10 (age 4)
First thing this morning, in a serious yet thoughtful tone: "Mommy? Todaaaaaay.....we have to figure out.....the mystery.....of Daddy."
1/13/11 (age 5)
So the boy says, "Do you want to see me make some effort in the basement?"
Turns out he wants to hang a rope from a pipe and swing from it.
11/14/11 (age 6)
E was working on a math worksheet, writing down every number from 1 to 100. He stops and asks, “Do numbers EVER STOP?” I tell him no. He says, “You're kidding, right?”
“Nope,” I say, “Just imagine. What if you got to the highest number in the world, and you added one to it? Would it get higher?”
“No...Wait, yeees! Oh man.” He falls over, sort of laughing and groaning at the same time.
12/31/2012 (age 7)
E and I have a long running joke wherein we call each other "sandwich" and crack up. This came about a year or so ago when I asked him if he wanted a lunch sandwich. He heard it as, "Do you want lunch, Sandwich?" And he gave me a funny look and said, "Did you just call me sandwich?" I realized how he heard it and I explained it to him and ever since then it's been hilarious to both of us. Misplaced commas = comedy gold.
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